Marketing Peer Group: Widening your pool of promoters and profile-raisers to win clients and contracts

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Please note this event is exclusively for members of the Cambridge Network Marketing Peer Learning Group

If you have colleagues who would like to be on the mailing list for this marketing peer learning group, please contact Andrea with their name, job title and email address.

Future sessions

You may also like to book other HR Peer Group sessions:

Goal setting for a modern workforce - 4 May
Diversity & inclusion initiatives - 18 May



Cambridge Network is a membership organisation based in the vibrant high technology cluster of Cambridge, UK. We bring people together - from business and academia - to meet each other and share ideas, encouraging collaboration and partnership for shared success.


October 19th, 2022 from  8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Bidwell House
Trumpington Road
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 9LD
United Kingdom
URL marketingplg-brand-promoters
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Contact Name Sally Bain
Places still available 45
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