GA4 training: Stop your website from becoming a black hole

GA4 training for businesses or individuals looking to improve their lead generation. If your website has become a black hole (there’s a lot of data going in, but few conversions coming out of it), this short course is perfect for you.

Who is this GA4 training event for?

This GA4 training is for individuals working with GA4 in their job role or for current/aspiring small to medium e-commerce business owners interested in learning GA4.

About the GA4 training event

GA4 training is valuable to all businesses and individuals looking to improve their lead generation. If your website has become a black hole (there’s a lot of data going in, but few conversions coming out of it), this short course is perfect for you.

After completing the GA4 training you will be able to:

-Track, benchmark and analyse traffic acquisition across multiple channels
-Identify and analyse landing pages and website page effectiveness
-Get insights from engagements and isolate struggle points
-Report using GA4
-Integrate and build dashboards using Looker Studio
-Create bespoke Page Path explorations and conversion funnels by segment
-Use GA4 data to increase product sales

What do I need to bring to the GA4 training session?

All you need to bring is your laptop.

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