Global Trade and Investments: Understanding the latest Developments

The European Diplomats team is delighted to invite you to reflect on the global trade landscape in the EU.

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In recent years, the global trade landscape has been shaped by a range of trends and developments that are likely to continue to have a significant impact in the coming years. For businesses operating in the European Union, understanding and adapting to these trends will be essential in order to remain competitive and successful. The European Diplomats team is delighted to invite you to reflect on the global trade landscape in the EU.

Alistair Starling is a former UK Diplomat, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, FCO, where he assisted companies to trade and investment internationally for 10 years. He is multilingual and levers his 20-year private sector / 10-year government sector, Business Development, Design and Innovation experience to achieve results within 1st, 2nd and 3rd sector organisations. Alistair's native language is English, he is also fluent in Italian and German, plus intermediate French. Alistair worked in the founding teams of other start-ups, in the recruitment sector (The Cambridge Hub), and internet design sector (IconMedialab), and therefore understands the pace and focus of the commercial sector. Alistair led complex government sales development across Europe and Africa for a world-famous brand - Cambridge. He has two Master's degrees (one from the University of Cambridge), and an Undergraduate Degree in the creative industries. Alistair is a confident public speaker, has presented numerous times on TV, and fosters active communities of contacts across Europe.

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