Mental Health First Aider MHFAider® Training course for all Thursday 23rd & 30th March in Cambridge

Our courses are more than simply training, we offer a supportive community that lives beyond the course, and that is what makes all the difference. This recently updated Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) two day course is the most comprehensive MHFA England accredited programme, valued at £330 by MHFA England. We have subsidised this course as part of a ‘Support Local Cambridge’ campaign

MHFA Course Cambridgeshire

#ConfidenceIncluded #CommunityIncluded #SupportIncluded #MHFAiderApp #MentalHealthFirstAid #MentalHealthTraining #MentalHealthAwareness #WorkplaceCulture #AnxietySupport

Train as a Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) and receive three years of support and benefits

This course is ideal for those who would like to become an MHFAider® to:

  • Gain the knowledge and skills to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health
  • Be confident starting a conversation and signpost a person to appropriate support

Alongside the best evidence-based Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, MHFAiders® are also provided with three-year access to ongoing learning and support through the MHFAider Support App®.

The app gives you 24/7 digital support, access to exclusive resources, ongoing learning opportunities, and the benefit of joining England’s largest community of trained MHFAiders®.


It is important to recognise that this course covers material which you may find emotionally triggering. Your self-care is important and your safety throughout is our priority. Before the course, please consider identifying someone who could potentially support you during or after the course if you need it.

What additional benefits are included in the price?

  • MHFAider Support App®
  • Access the most up-to-date MHFA manual and other useful resources via the Online Learning Hub
  • Access to new resources and have opportunities to attend online events.

All learners who attend the new MHFA course will become MHFAiders®. MHFAiders automatically have access to support and benefits for three years. At three years, they are offered the MHFA Refresher course which will allow them to continue as an MHFAider for another three years.

MHFAiders will be able to access and attend a programme of online events, event recordings and regular resources. Below are examples of some of the resources and events planned for the first few months.

  • Guide to the MHFAider role document
  • Access to the Hub of Hope directory
  • Suicide Prevention
  • My Whole Self and Mental Health First Aid
  • Thriving as an MHFAider

What are the benefits of training as a Mental Health First Aider?

  • Reduces stigma around mental ill health
  • Gives you increased confidence to have a supportive conversation about mental health
  • Promotes equity and understanding around mental health from different perspectives
  • Helps to build supportive communities and promotes open conversations about mental health
  • Encourages self-care, giving you the tools to look after your own and others’ mental health
  • Promotes early intervention and recovery, which can prevent an individual’s mental health deteriorating

Is Mental Health First Aid training a mandatory requirement?

Your employer has a “duty of care”, (this means a legal obligation), to support their employees’ health, safety, and wellbeing. Recruiting Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) demonstrates a commitment towards promoting positive mental health.

Newly launched from September 2022, this MHFAider® England course is the only recognised training that qualifies you as a Mental Health First Aider. All our MHFA Instructors have completed an extensive instructor training programme accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health, (RSPH).

Who needs this Mental Health First Aid course?

This course is for everyone. (see also occupations tab). Having fully qualified Mental health first aiders within your workplace, community, family, and social circles, supports a shared language around mental health and addresses barriers such as stigma, including self-stigmatisation. It also enhances self-awareness, and emotional literacy. Just as physical first aid, Mental Health First Aid saves lives, prevents worsening, and promotes recovery from a mental health issue. Not to mention the bottom line.

You can view a recent impact report here.

What does this course teach me? (see also topics tab above for a detailed breakdown)

Using evidence-based training, this means we have real data, from significant credible studies; you will develop practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues.

Learners will develop the following:

  • Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress.
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening.
  • Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to further and appropriate support.
  • An in depth understanding of the factors that can affect well-being.
  • Understanding of common mental illness in detail as well as crisis management in mental health.
  • An overview of law and policy around mental health, discrimination litigation, and why your employer needs a health and wellness strategy.

Who are MHFA England?

MHFA is a global movement active in 24 countries. Each country licenses their own MHFA programme separately – you can see a list of all international MHFA programmes at

Mental Health First Aid training came to England in 2007. The Department of Health: National Institute of Mental Health in England (NIMHE) developed and launched the programme as part of a national approach to improve public mental health. MHFA England are the Licensed Provider of Mental Health First Aid training from MHFA International. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that delivers a range of mental health courses in communities across the country.

MHFA England’s overall vision is to normalise society’s attitudes and behaviours around mental health, by developing the skills we need to look after our own and others’ wellbeing.

What happens after the programme, and what are my roles and responsibilities as a mental health first aider in the workplace?

We follow up this programme with resources tailored to your individual needs. For example, the role of mental health first aid in the workplace and implementing mental health first aid into your organisation. We also champion local community resources, and self-help tools via the MHFA support App

What do I need to bring?

You may wish to bring a notebook for any additional notes. Covid secure refreshments are complementary throughout the training, but we do ask you to bring your own favourite mug, and your lunch. There is ample fridge space and Budgens 1-mile, fast food outlets and supermarkets 2.5 miles. We have everything else covered.

We are also fully aware of the anxiety that many students have over coming into a public space. There is a lot to think about which we have already thought about. You are in safe hands.

Anything else

Our open public courses are memorable and according to delegate feedback, life changing for some. By running open courses that are inclusive and we attract a mixed demographic which we believe is beneficial to all as we continue to learn from each other and grow as a more open minded and tolerant society.

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