Tackling bias and inequities in health and genomic data

Data and digital technology are now being used in all aspects of research, innovation and healthcare, but how do we ensure that the entire healthcare system benefits from these advanced technologies, specifically so that all people, especially those in underserved populations, receive the same quality of research benefit and care from innovations?

Image promoting the Bradford Hill Seminar with Dr Maxine Mackintosh

In Cambridge and online - register free here

This talk will discuss the intersection of data science, health and equity, illustrated by the inequities rife in genomics. Studies of human genetics have largely focused on populations from WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) countries which has resulted genomic insights that are not generalizable to all populations.

About the speaker

Dr Maxine Mackintosh leads the Diverse Data initiative at Genomics England, which aims to reduce health inequalities in genomic medicine by ensuring patients, regardless of their background, receive the same quality of genomics-enabled personalised medicine, supported by the latest research on people like them. Maxine is also the co-founder of One HealthTech – a global, volunteer-led, grassroots community that supports and promotes under-represented groups in health innovation.

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