A vision for Cambridge: council briefing and partner networking event

You are invited to join us for a council briefing and partner networking event on Wednesday 6 December, from 5pm for refreshments for a 5.30pm start.

You will hear from Leader of the Council, Cllr Mike Davey, and other Executive Councillors about our challenges and opportunities, including the council’s budget consultation for 2024-2025; as well as Cambridge’s place in the national spotlight following government announcements about Cambridge 2040.  Ask your questions to Cllr Davey on the night, or by submitting them in advance to kathy.brown@cambridge.gov.uk  

The second half of the evening will focus on the vital role local business, voluntary and community sector partners play in making Cambridge a better place to live and work. The event will also be an opportunity to network with local business and voluntary and community sector partners.

Places are limited so you will need to register in advance to book your space - Registration (cambridgelive.org.uk)

If you are unable to attend or if it would be more appropriate for someone else in your organisation to attend, please feel free to forward this email to the relevant person.  Please note, we are asking for a maximum of two attendees per organisation.

Registered attendees will be sent additional useful information in advance of the event, but should you need any information or assistance prior to registering, please email Kathy.Brown@cambridge.gov.uk

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