This series of online workshops have been designed to provide a clear, lively and succinct introduction to contemporary ideas about key aspects of leading people and teams.


Their aim is for you to develop leadership and management skills and show you how to put these ideas into practice.

They hope to identify ways of further developing participants’ team-leading and people skills.

Release the magic of motivation and get the most from your people


This first workshop in this series will cover:

  • Internal factors that drive people to act – goals, needs and desires, emotions, expectations, self-belief
  • Intrinsic motivation – physiological and neurological basis; psychological drivers
  • Extrinsic motivation – job satisfaction; reward, recognition and rivalry; compulsion, conformance, consequences
  • Theories of motivation – Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s hygiene and motivation factors 

Included as part of the workshop will be: 

  • Motivation Mini-Book
  • 10% DISCOUNT code for our fully online Leading People course. Here you or your team members can discover even more tools and insights to help you unlock their full potential and emerge stronger!

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