The pink and purple Stagecoach is emblazoned with the message that “two minutes could save nine lives” and urges residents to confirm their decision to donate on the NHS Organ Donor Register.
The bus comes into service now to highlight Organ Donation Week, which is between Monday, 18 September, and Sunday 24 September, and part of a week-long campaign that takes place every year.
Organisers emphasise the more people they reach, the more people register, and the more lives are saved.
There were 40 patients who donated their organs after death at CUH last year, helping a national effort that saved or improved the lives of 4,532 people desperately in need of a transplant.
The annual Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report shows Addenbrooke’s ranks third out of the top 20 donor hospitals in the UK last year. It is also known internationally for its transplant programme.
CUH consultant and clinical lead for organ donation, Dr Riaz Kayani, said: “We are again delighted to support this year’s campaign and could not think of a bigger or bolder way to do it than on the sides, and back, of a pink and purple double decker bus.
“Our aim is not only to remind the public to confirm their decision on the official website, but to draw attention to the generosity of those who have already done so. They are the real heroes.”
Specialist nurse for the Eastern Organ Donation Services Team at NHS Blood and Transplant, Jo Barrett, added: “We are so proud of our donors and donor families, as well as all the hospital staff who help facilitate every single donor.”
Confirm your decision by visiting NHS Organ Donor Register and learn about other ways you can help.