Alan Taylor represents TWI at international nano science and technology conference in Japan

TWI Technology Fellow and functional coatings expert, Professor Alan Taylor, is set to attend BIT’s 7th Annual World Congress of Nano Science and Technology, in Japan.

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The theme of the conference is ‘welcome to a new era of nano-level’ and is being held at the Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel between the 24th and 26th of October, 2017.

The event will bring together more than 300 experts, academics, senior scientists, industry executives and project leaders from around the world to address topics, issues, best practices and trends to help guide business strategies, future science and technology direction.

Alan will be there for the duration of the conference and is due to present a paper on 26th October titled ‘A Materials-by-Design Approach to Robust Ice Resistant Aerospace Composites.’

The paper investigates the use of nanoscale metal oxides to provide ice resistant protection to aerospace materials while also improving erosion resistance.

This paper comes as a result of TWI’s involvement in the InnovateUK-funded Icemart project, which is being undertaken alongside TWI Member companies CAV Advanced Technologies Ltd, GKN and BAE Systems, as well as other non-Member companies.

In addition to presenting the paper, Alan has been asked to co-chair a session titled the ‘Design and Synthesis of Nanomaterials.’

This session, which will also take place on 26th October, will also help to disseminate the work of the Icemart project and further raise the profile of TWI to an international audience outside of Europe.

Alan will stay in Japan for another week after the conference to visit industrial Member companies, finally returning to the UK on 3rd November.


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