Become a Friend of Cambridge Cruse

At its annual general meeting next week (June 20th), Cambridge Cruse Bereavement Care will be launching the start of a new initiative called "Friends of Cambridge Cruse".

Cruse is a well established voluntary organisation offering support, advice & information to children, young people and adults after someone close to them dies. Over 100 volunteers provide this free, confidential service which includes information, telephone support, face to face visits and group work. 

Becoming a Friend of Cambridge Cruse and giving a regular donation of just £12  a YEAR will enable this crucial service to continue. It is hoped to gain the  support of a significant number of  Friends in the first year, which will guarantee a steady income stream and enable Cruse to better plan for the future.

If you would like an application form or for further information contact
Or telephone 01223 302670

*Cambridge Cruse Bereavement Care AGM will be held on Wednesday 20th June , 6-30pm at Landbeach Village Hall, Green End, Landbeach,  CB25 9FD.

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