Beremans Ltd announces publication of 'Melanoma: Interventional clinical trials activity 2...

Beremans Ltd, the Cambridge-based provider of business intelligence services for the Life Sciences sector, announced today the publication of a report entitled ‘Melanoma: Interventional clinical trials activity 2006-2011'.

The report contains information likely to be of use to, inter alia, parties wishing to assess the competitive situation in the melanoma field, parties contemplating moving a potential solid tumour anticancer drug into the clinical phase, and parties considering investments in companies which are developing melanoma drugs.

In brief, the report contains the following data for all trials that met the inclusion criteria: links to clinical trial records, start and (envisaged) end date, phase, number of subjects (envisaged to be) enrolled, status (active/recruiting, suspended, terminated, withdrawn, completed, unknown), interventions (drug candidates and/or molecular targets), and sponsors / developers of interventions.

The above data indicate that there have been 467 relevant melanoma clinical trials over the last six years. Of these, at least 301 were still active as of Dec 2011. The 301 active trials represented investigations of ~100 interventional targets. These agents / targets are listed in full, together with the numbers and phases of clinical trials in which each target or agent is involved. Of the ~100 interventional targets in active clinical trials, ten account for over half of all target investigations, and three account for ~25% of all target investigations.

For further information, including a redacted version of the report, please email

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