Blue sky thinking for polished public speaking

There's a simple trick you can use, which might sound counter intuitive, but can greatly improve your presentation skills. See all in Simon Hall's latest blog below.

A beautiful blue sky

I always struggle to convince people of the power of this public speaking trick.

But I can promise you, it works for me, and it has for everyone else I know who has adopted it.

That’s however, counter-intuitive it might be.


To explain:

What do you tend to do when you’re scheduled to give a presentation?

You sit in the audience, watching the other speakers do their thing until your moment comes…

Or you hang around backstage, or somewhere at the rear of the hall, or just outside the doors, nervously awaiting.


Which raises the question:

How much does that help you get in the right frame of mind for your talk?

As you feel the nerves building up, while the moments tick away...

Keep seeing yourself on that stage, and suffering endless wobbles because of it.


Then try something different.

Give this trick of mine a chance.

Because I use it every time I have a talk to give.


A few minutes before you're due to speak, take yourself outside.

By which I mean right outside. Out into the open air. 

Look up at the sky…

Breathe deeply, and slowly…

Stretch your arms, legs and back…

Roll your neck…

Close your eyes…

And - as if by magic - feel some of the tension dissipate.

Sense your body filling with oxygen and energy… 

And feel yourself becoming much better prepared for your big moment.

If you’re wondering, yes, it does tend to work best when there's sunshine.

But! Strangely enough, it even helps if rain is falling.


I know it sounds strange, to leave the hall, or room, just before you're due to go on...

But this trick can really work, I promise you.

You’ll feel much fresher, stronger and energised for a few minutes away…

And your performance will markedly improve for it.

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