Workplace mediation can transform the way your organisation manages workplace disputes and issues. Mediation is an effective dispute resolution tool that helps parties reach a satisfactory solution together and strengthens the employment relationship.
How will this work?
• BIS will be inviting 24 SMEs from the Cambridge region to join a pilot mediation network
• Each SME will nominate an employee to receive free accredited workplace mediation training
• New mediators will form local mediation networks – making their mediation skills available across all 24 participating SMEs
Want to find out more? Please join BIS and its mediation training provider for a 9-11am 'Mediation Breakfast Seminar' on 2 July at the Møller Centre.
For further information, and registration for the Breakfast Seminar, please contact:
Calling all SMES in the Cambridge region
1 June 2012
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is creating a local mediation network in the Cambridge area. Here’s your chance to get involved, gain new skills and reap the benefits for your business. Find out more at a breakfast seminar on 2 July (please note this date has changed from 13 June).