Cambridge named one of Wellcome Trust’s Centres for Global Health Research

The Wellcome Trust has named the University of Cambridge as the site of one of its five Centres for Global Health Research.

The strengthening of Africa's indigenous scientific research base is crucial to the identification of its disease control and public health priorities, to the discovery and successful application of appropriate solutions, as well as to overall development.
—Professor David Dunne, Director of the Cambridge Centre

The Centres will be located at the University of Cambridge, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for the Bloomsbury Universities, University of Liverpool in partnership with University of Glasgow, Imperial College London and University of Sussex. The Wellcome Trust has committed more than £3m to these Centres over the next five years.

Centres for Global Health Research are intended to support researchers working in public health and tropical medicine to develop their careers, and foster interchange between institutions in the UK and those based in low- and middle-income countries.

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Image: Dr Sabina Wachira, a THRiVE postdoctoral fellow from icipe in Kenya, who visited her Cambridge mentor (Dr David Spring of the Department of Chemistry)'s lab in 2012

Reproduced courtesy of the University of Cambridge

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