Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. They have Conservation Area Appraisals which give recommendations for their conservation and enhancement, and the Planning Service periodically reviews these to ensure they continue to reflect circumstances on the ground.
Five draft Appraisals have been published for informal consultation, for the following Conservation Areas:
- De Freville Conservation Area in Cambridge
- Fulbourn
- Fulbourn Hospital
- Melbourn
- Stapleford
The Draft Appraisals and links to the online surveys for public comment and feedback are available on the Conservation Area Appraisal Consultations webpage. There is no statutory requirement to consult with local communities or stakeholders, but the Planning Service considers it important to hear a range of views on the draft appraisals before they are finalised.
The main changes to the Conservation Areas proposed are:
- De Freville Conservation Area
There are no proposed amendments to the Conservation Area boundary - update of the Appraisal and Management Plan only.
- Fulbourn Conservation Area
Proposed removal from the Conservation Area boundary: Northfield and The Chantry, and No.11 Church Lane.
- Fulbourn Hospital Conservation Area
Proposed removal from the Conservation Area boundary: the modern CPC1, CPC2, CPC3 and CPC4 office buildings, and the accompanying car parking areas.
- Melbourn Conservation Area
Proposed removal from the Conservation Area of 12 parcels of land.
- Most of the land parcels are very small.
- The largest areas proposed for removal are in Norgett’s Lane and off Moat Lane, opposite Old Foundry Close.
- Smaller areas include the land in front of Star Mews, and 6-8 The Lawns Close.
Proposed inclusion in the Conservation Area of 27 new parcels of land.
- The largest areas proposed for inclusion are in Mortlock Road, Mortlock Close and Mortlock Mews, including the Primary School and the Baptist Church, and at the north end of Station Road.
- Important proposed additions include the rear of 100-110 High Street, to the rear of Falconer Court, in Rose Lane, around Lantern View, including the burial ground and the Black Horse pub, and off both sides of New Road near Pryor’s Orchard.
- Stapleford Conservation Area
Proposed removal from the Conservation Area boundary: Nos.1 and 2a Dukes Meadow, Nos. 7, 9,11 and 13 Gog Magog Way, No.23 Church Street and No.5 Finch’s Close.