Consultation underway on future of historic city site

Cambridge City Council has prepared a new document to guide future development of a key city centre location.


The draft New Museums Site Development Framework (Supplementary Planning Document) will help support the delivery of extensive site improvements which include:

  • Improved university facilities
  • Changes to the public realm
  • Providing better access for all
  • Adopting more sustainable forms of development while respecting the site’s heritage and surroundings.

The draft document has been prepared to support planning policies as set out in the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission, and has been prepared jointly by the University of Cambridge and Cambridge City Council.

Kevin Blencowe, Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport, noted: “The new development framework for the New Museums Site is a great example of the city council working in partnership with a local land owner, in this case the University of Cambridge, to set out joint aspirations for managing change on a highly important, historic city site.

“A significant amount of investment is planned for this location and the council is keen that it is undertaken to a high standard and at the same time preserves the key heritage assets of the site, which includes highly significant buildings such as the Old Cavendish Laboratory.”

Public consultation of the draft New Museums Site Development Framework SPD will run until 7 September 2015.

The draft document is available for inspection along with other relevant supporting documents on the council’s website at: or at the council’s Customer Service Centre at Mandela House on Regent Street.

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