Council seeks more detail on A14 improvement scheme

Cambridge City Council’s position on the proposed A14 improvement scheme will be discussed by councillors at the Environment Scrutiny Committee on 8 July.

In a report published yesterday (30 June 2014), councillors are recommended to approve an interim response to the Highways Agency’s consultation that gives support in principle to the scheme.

This interim response also asks for more detail on a number of issues and their impact on the city. Council officers will meet with the Highways Agency in early July to discuss detailed information on transport modelling, air quality, noise and vibration issues as well as discussing proposed changes to Cambridge Crematorium.

The A14 scheme is being submitted to the government for consideration in October.

Cllr Kevin Blencowe, Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport, said: "The latest plans to upgrade the A14 will be a welcome and necessary investment in improving the strategic infrastructure in this region.

"The city council, like its partners elsewhere in Cambridgeshire, looks forward optimistically to the Highways Agency making progress with the scheme.

"However we need to know more detail about the specific impacts on Cambridge and how they are going to be dealt with. We welcome the ongoing dialogue with the Highways Agency and their commitment to working with us on these issues."

Cllr Blencowe will decide on the recommendations in the report at the Environment Scrutiny Committee on 8 July.


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