End of year message from CEO
2013 has been an exciting year for Cresset. From product releases to global events, including a recent trip to China. Dr. Robert Scoffin looks back over the year.Can you put fields onto a protein?
This is the question we are asked most often, but to achieve this we need to handle formally charged groups. Dr. Mark Mackey, Cresset’s CSO, describes our approach.
Usability and scientific usefulness
We aim to achieve a good balance between the provision of powerful science and making that science readily accessible and easily understandable. Is this a difficult act to balance?
Identifying new indications for existing drugs
Profitable reprofiling opportunities are often created by the publication of new biological targets. Blaze makes rapid assessments of which drugs may be active against the new targets.
Field Based Chemistry 2014
Cresset’s 2014 user meetings are open to customers and non-customers and will take place as follows:
- 11th June, Novartis, Cambridge, MA, US
- 19th – 20th June, Madingley Hall, Cambridge, UK
Submit an abstract for an oral presentation. Further details will be published in the New Year.
Scaffold Hopping in Medicinal Chemistry
Part II of this new book includes Cresset’s XED force field and Spark.
New look website