16 February - Find out how Formula 1 cars stay on the road at over 200 mph with Tyres made for Speeding.
17 February - It is a bird? A plane? No it's a drone, and it's counting wild animals! Go WILD for drones.
18 February - Discover the thrilling secrets of one-person Fun Flying Machines, with e-Go planes.
18 February - Twilight at the Museums. Discover more about light at the Science in the Dark event.
19 February - Find out how British Antarctic Survey scientists track icebergs that float in the polar regions?
20 February - Become a Master of Robot Navigation with Robogals' great new workshop (booking required: 8+ yrs)
More events and details flying onto the Cambridge Science Centre website soon.
Naked Scientists History of Science
Take a journey through the history of science on 25 February, when the Naked Scientists will be getting a panel of experts to re-create their favourite historical science experiments and explain why they were so important.
Tickets are FREE, but should be booked in advance.