DuoFertility inventor to reveal baby making secrets to Cambridge engineers

Inventor of the DuoFertility pregnancy aid and CEO of Cambridge Temperature Concepts, Dr Shamus Husheer, is to explain the engineering behind his plan to get a million women pregnant.

Dr Shamus Husheer, founder and CEO of Cambridge Temperature Concepts, will present a Prestige Lecture to Cambridge engineers about the development of the innovative fertility monitoring aid, DuoFertility.

DuoFertility featured in the BBC documentary “Britain's Next Big Thing” with Theo Paphitis.

In his talk, Dr Husheer will focus on the engineering and product development of the system, and in particular, how the team got to market in 18 months and for less than £1 million, when usually a product development takes up to 10 to 20 times as much time and money.

The talk is on Tuesday 6th March 2012, at 7pm at Cambridge University Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ. It is open to the public and free to attend. No need to register.

DuoFertility (www.duofertility.com) is a fertility monitoring service with expert support, and a pregnancy rate like IVF at a fraction of the cost. The DuoFertility monitor consists of a body-worn sensor, a handheld reader and PC/Mac software.

Cambridge Temperature Concepts (www.temperatureconcepts.com) is an award-winning Cambridge start-up formed in 2005 by six postgraduate students.

Dr Shamus Husheer is the inventor of the technology behind DuoFertility and the CEO of Cambridge Temperature Concepts. Shamus completed his PhD at Cambridge and has a research history in instrumentation development. His ambition is to help a million women get pregnant with his invention.

The talk is organised jointly by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Further details are at http://tinyurl.com/6vo8g85

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