EEGLA launches its first Prospectus for Sustainable Growth in the East of England

The new East of England Local Government Association (EELGA) prospectus highlights the enormous opportunities for investors, both public and private, in the East of England and sets out the region’s ambitions in continuing to drive the nation’s green recovery.

EELGA prospectus cover

The prospectus has been co-produced by a group of regional partners across the public and private sectors with a view to setting out the characteristic and assets of the East of England and the case for greater investment to to support inclusive, sustainable growth in the region.

The East of England Local Government Association (EELGA), a politically led membership association, provides support to the rich tapestry of 50 local authorities in the region, advocating for the sector and supporting its members to be the best they can be for their communities.  

The prospectus complements the range of investment propositions from partners in the East, including Local Enterprise Partnerships, strategic corridors and sub-regional growth bodies and partnerships.

Partners include Cambridge Norwich Tech CorridorThe UK Innovation CorridorNew Anglia Local Enterprise PartnershipCambridge AheadOpportunity PeterboroughCBI (Confederation of British Industry)ENGINE MHPTransport East, and DevoConnect.

Linn Clabburn, Programme Director of the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor said: "This prospectus is a great example of the collaborative, joined-up strategic approach in the East of England. By working together as partners, linking our key locations, knowledge clusters and assets, we create a far more compelling offer to investors and far greater clarity for our communities."

Click here to read the full prospectus

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