Employers urged to help the 'undiscovered workforce'

Cambridge City MP Julian Huppert called for employers to ‘make a difference’ at a breakfast event at Cambridge Regional College designed to help more people with autism find work.

Dr Huppert, who helped organise the event run by CRC, the National Autistic Society ad Jobcentre Plus, said adults with autism deserved to have the same opportunities as everyone else.

“In these challenging economic times, we cannot afford to let the skills and talents of a whole section of society with much to offer go to waste,” he said.

Tom Purser of the NAS told employers and organisations at the event that just 15 per cent of adults with autism were in full-time employment, and nine per cent in part-time employment.

He said 26 per cent of graduates with autism were unemployed - by far the highest rate of any disability group - and around one in 100 Cambridge adults were living with autism.

“The majority of adults with autism want to work and don’t want to rely on benefits. They want to be out there, being active, being employed,” he said.

Dr Huppert said employers were missing out by not employing adults with autism.

“I hope this is an area where we can make a difference,” he said. “There is so much that can be done that helps employers and also helps individuals and the state.

“Employers are missing out and it is really tough for people who find themselves in the autistic spectrum. We can’t afford to ignore these adults.”

Ben Stephen, an adult with autism who lives in Cambridge, told employers at the meeting: “People with autism have so much to offer and we want to be able to contribute to the society we are part of. All we need is the chance to do so.”

The event was held as part of the national Autistic Society (NAS) Undiscovered Workforce campaign, aimed at improving job opportunities for people with autism.

For more information about autism, the NAS Autism Helpline can be contacted on 0808 800 4104 10am-4pm, Monday to Friday.

Image: Cambridge MP Julian Huppert with Beth Elkins, head of CRC’s personal support team, Tom Purser from the NAS and Neil Nineham of Jobcentre Plus


For more information, please contact Lynn O’Shea, Communications & PR Manager, on 01223 418773 or email loshea@camre.ac.uk


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