Guests included the Lord Sainsbury, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge; Sir Michael Marshall, Chairman of Marshall of Cambridge (Holdings) Limited; and Prof Christoph Loch, Dean of Cambridge Judge Business School.
Dr Shai Vyakarnam, Director of the University of Cambridge Judge Business School’s Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), announced the Cambridge Graduate Business of the Year Award. Featurespace narrowly beat Cambridge Temperature Concepts to the prize.
Shai commented: “Featurespace co-founder David Excell did his PhD under the inspirational Bill Fitzgerald at Cambridge and the company’s fraud-busting software solutions utilise behavioural change recognition algorithms developed by Cambridge University.”
“Featurespace, whose investors include Cambridge Enterprise board member Mike Lynch, is scaling up globally and adding new target sectors to its traditional ones of gaming and lottery markets.”
This Award is for a company founded by a Cambridge University alumnus, and at least three years out of academia, that has demonstrated strong commercial progress. The 2013 finalists in this category were Cambridge Temperature Concepts for DuoFertility, Cambridge CMOS Sensors and Featurespace.
In other categories, ARM was named Business of the Year and BlueGnome, co-founded by an alumnus of CfEL’s Ignite programme Dr Nick Haan, won the BioMedTech Company of the Year.
Photos © Alan Bennett, Media Imaging Solutions
Related links:
Arm takes Business of the Year Glory (Business Weekly, 19 Mar)
About the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL)
The Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), based at Cambridge Judge Business School, aims to spread the spirit of enterprise to both the University of Cambridge community and to wider national and international audiences through the creation and delivery of a range of educational activities that inspire and build skills in the practise of Entrepreneurship. One of CfEL's key teaching values is that the best people to teach entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs. This philosophy has led to the Centre collaborating with a network of over 300 experienced entrepreneurs, innovators and other practitioners to provide relevant, credible and practical training.
The Centre has developed an enviable track record in the field of entrepreneurship education with a number of flagship programmes designed to provide skills for students, graduates, researchers and aspiring entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and at different stages of the entrepreneurial journey. These programmes are Enterprise Tuesday, ETECH Projects, Ignite, Enterprisers and the Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship.
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Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning
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