A member of the public was seriously injured in an accident with a vehicle linked to the fun fair yesterday (Weds).
Cambridge City Council and Cambridge Live have decided that it would be inappropriate to go ahead with the fun fair element of the event, given the circumstances and while investigations are ongoing.
The council is actively working with the police and the Health and Safety Executive to support investigations into the causes of the accident.
Antoinette Jackson, Chief Executive of Cambridge City Council, said: “Our thoughts are with the member of the public who was hurt and with their family. The safety of members of the public at all our events is of paramount importance.
“We considered very carefully the impact of not going ahead with the event but concluded that if we cancelled, considerable numbers of people may still turn up and it was better to go ahead with a professionally managed bonfire and fireworks display rather than running the risk of large crowds turning up with no event.
“We have provided the event for many years as a safe alternative to people putting on their own displays and very large numbers of people, in the region of 25,000, attend the event.
“For these reasons, we have decided that it will go ahead as planned but without the fun fair.”
Facilities such as toilets and catering will be provided as usual for the comfort of visitors.