Have your say on council budget priorities for business

Cambridge City Council is asking local businesses to help it make choices about the services it prioritises. Please complete a short survey before tomorrow (Friday 19 October) to make sure your voice is heard.

Cambridge City Council spends about £140 million a year to deliver services in Cambridge. This is paid for mainly from rent, fees and charges for services, a share of local business rates, Government grants and Council Tax.

To maintain and develop these services, taking into account inflation, legislative changes, the increasing costs of serving a growing population and the impact of a significantly reducing Government grant, the City Council needs to find savings of around £3 million over the next five years. This is in addition to the £9 million that the City Council has already saved over the past five years.

The City Council therefore has to make choices about the services it prioritises, within the resources it has available, and is keen to know local  views on those services that impact on business.

To help inform thinking on the Council’s budget priorities, please complete the short survey here before Friday (19 October).


5.30 - 7pm, Wednesday 31 October 2018

Council Chamber, Guildhall, CB2 3QJ

Councillor Lewis Herbert, the Leader of Cambridge City Council, invites interested parties to a briefing at the Guildhall on 31 October when he will be setting out the opportunities and challenges facing the Council, and its priorities and budget strategy for the years ahead.

The event will be an informal session in the Council Chamber, with refreshments available on the landing outside the Chamber on the 1st Floor of the Guildhall from 5.00pm.

 He says:  "I’d very much welcome the chance to discuss the key issues that businesses face, and the Council’s role in working with you on those.  The session will be interactive, with some real-time voting via the Mentimeter app, and an open Q&A discussion on the work the Council does to promote sustainable economic growth, and what you can do with us to tackle some of the key challenges the city, its businesses and its residents face.

"I look forward to seeing you on 31 October, and to working with you to make this world class small city even greater."

 Space is limited so please confirm your attendance by Friday 19 October by e-mailing kathy.brown@cambridge.gov.uk


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