A few things we’ve been busy with these past twelve months:
- 1 New website for a national melanoma charity (Branding, Infographics, Literature, Web, Marketing Consultancy, Patient Guide, Professional resources for clinicians)
Melanoma Focus UK
" With huge thanks to BMS, MSD, Novartis and Pierre Fabre who each provided generous grants towards the update of our patient materials. These Pharmaceutical companies did not have any input into the content, review and development of the updated guidance. And particular thanks to Onyva the agency who has so ably supported this project."
" Professional and responsive - A dream to work with"
- 1 Award: Best Science and Technology Specialist Director at SME awards 2022: Our MD, Dr, Seema Sharma
- 5 strategic marketing plans written
- 200+ individual unique technical content pieces and graphics
- 4 Case studies, interview, graphics, web and literature.
- Charity Partner sponsorship – Petals 10th Anniversary
- 10 medical infographics for patients
- 5 Medical literature flyers
We’re looking forward to working with you in 2023!