Realnet writes: Sometimes, having a news section on your site can be a bad thing. It can sometimes give a bad impression to your potential customers. How? Websites that only have a few news articles, or out of date articles can look like they have nothing to say. This can often be a contradiction, because many companies feel they are too busy to write news articles.
Are people really interested in my company news? To tweak John Donne’s quote, ‘No company is an island’, so where your news involves other agencies – mention them. This way you increase your audience. People may be looking at the companies you work with and in the process find you.
How often should I write news? If you have lots of news, then write as often as you can. It keeps your content fresh and search engines love fresh content.
If you don’t have a lot of news, we would recommend that you still find a way to write one news article every two weeks. Sometimes its not easy, but your website is often the first contact your potential customers have with you. Your site provides your first impression, make it a good one.
How much should I write? If you are not a news agency, the chances are, writing articles is not something you do frequently. We recommend you use a snappy and energetic style. You don’t need to write lots, the thought of writing lots will probably just put you off. Include the keywords you think potential clients type into Google when they are trying to find companies in your field. A couple of paragraphs is often all you need.
Ambersphere are a great example of a client who knows how to write a good news article. They are elite providers of lighting for entertainment events and exclusive UK sales providers of Clay Paky and MA Lighting products.
Realnet have recently developed a new website for Ambersphere. Their news module allows them to tag news. The news breaks down into three categories:
General News
MA Lighting Products
Clay Paky Products
Amersphere have a general news page, but when they tag a news article as ‘MA Lighting’ it also appears at the bottom of the MA Lighting product page.
This is a great way to make news relevant as it delivers news in context. It is also a good way to refresh content on multiple pages.
We are very happy to have worked with Ambersphere, and wish them all the very best.
If you would like Realnet to help with news on your site, please contact us.
t:01223 550 800