Idea Transform partners with Humanitarian Centre and CUTEC to support Global Health Hack Day

As part of its programme to help develop innovative ideas that can make a positive difference to society, Idea Transform is joining forces with the Humanitarian Centre and the Cambridge University Technology and Enterprise Club (CUTEC), to support the forthcoming Global Health Hack Day.

Being held as part of this year's Cambridge Science Festival, the Global Health Hack Day is an exciting 'open innovation' event that will see eight teams of bright, enterprising students presenting their solutions to real global health challenges in front of a panel of expert judges. Participants will be introduced to their topics on Saturday March 17th, and will have a full week to work in their mentor-supported teams before the final judging on Saturday March 24th.

The Global Health Hack Day provides a rare opportunity to work with leading organisations including Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Costello Medical Consulting, Medic Mobile and the PHG Foundation to tackle the problems that face some of the world's most disadvantaged people. To register or find out more visit

Created in partnership with the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), Idea Transform aims to help those developing innovative ideas turn them into sustainable businesses through a programme that combines events, mentoring and targeted support.

Idea Transform will provide a judge for the Global Health Hack Day and one of the winning teams will be selected to participate for free in the forthcoming Idea Transform event at the Cambridge Judge Business School (20-22 April 2012).

A weekend to change the world, the Idea Transform event will team up people with ideas and those with business, marketing and technical skills to work together intensely over the weekend in order to develop meaningful and innovative projects. Open to all, attendees will benefit from a combination of hands-on, experienced mentors and inspiring keynote speakers to provide the perfect environment to learn, advance their ideas, network with like-minded individuals and enjoy themselves. At the end of the weekend an international judging panel will select those projects that show the most promise and Idea Transform will then work closely with them to provide on going mentoring and support. Tickets can be purchased at

Idea Transform is dedicated to supporting innovation and entrepreneurship that can make a difference to people’s lives, creating sustainable businesses that enable change,” said Mauro Ciaccio, co-founder, Idea Transform. “Partnering with the Humanitarian Centre and CUTEC is the perfect fit for our goals. By supporting the Global Health Hack Day we aim to uncover innovation within healthcare. We want to encourage teams to move forward by taking part in the Idea Transform weekend, where they can benefit from access to mentors, skills and new perspectives to help them develop projects that can change the world.”

As well as free participation in the Idea Transform weekend, winners will also be eligible to present at the forthcoming evening Idea Transform taster event on 29 March 2012. A free Cambridge event, open to all, this will introduce those interested in taking part in the weekend to some of the projects to be pitched and the people behind them.

In 2012 our theme is Global Health and the Hack Day provides the opportunity to demonstrate the power technology and ideas have to solve some of the most pressing problems in society,” said Anne Radl, projects manager, the Humanitarian Centre. “Adding the support of Idea Transform to our existing partnership with CUTEC will directly help projects develop and grow, unlocking their potential and benefiting us all.”

We wanted to build on the success of our pioneering open innovation medical event last year and the Global Health Hack day provides the perfect opportunity to encourage innovation and break down barriers between academia and industry,” said Liz Williams, president of CUTEC. ”Our three way partnership with the Humanitarian Centre and Idea Transform enables students to demonstrate their skills, have fun and potentially create projects that can help solve healthcare problems around the world.”

As part of the partnership CUTEC will also work promote the Idea Transform weekend event to students as well as providing volunteers. To discover more about CUTEC and the exciting array of events it organises, visit


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