Innovation Day - Masterclass and Networking with guests from the Canary Islands

A series of seminars, workshops and panel sessions on the theme of innovation and support for innovation take place at the Hauser Forum, Cambridge, on March 20th 2012.

Organised by Cambridge Studies Limited, Enterprise Europe Network East of England and the Canary Islands Institute of Technology, the day will include an introductory workshop on FP7, the European Union's main research funding programme, led by Paul Drath of Singleimage Ltd.  Topics to be covered include: The FP7 budget (it's big money!); Opportunities for SMEs; How to get involved and how to bid; The overall process from Workprogramme to grant; The evaluation criteria.

Hear also from Enterprise Europe Network's Innovation Adviser, John Christopher, on 'Support for Innovation' and from Dr Tim Minshall on the 'Challenges and Opportunities in Open Innovation'.  Dr Minshall is Senior Lecturer in Technology Management at the Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge.

During the day there will also be an apportunity to meet with UKTI and to Network with around 20 businesses from the Canary Islands.

Further details at the Enterprise Europe Network website, or email to book your place.



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