Innovative ReCoVa-19 app streamlines reporting of Covid test results

Cambridge based start-up ReCoVa-19 has developed a simple, effective way for companies and organisations to fulfil the legal obligation to inform Public Health England (PHE) of all Covid-19 test results.

Andrew Halliday

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ReCoVa-19 app’s patient management portal has the capacity for confidential paperless handling of all data and submission to PHE, without the need for any further input from the company or the lab handling the samples.

Director, Andrew Halliday (pictured) comments: “Recova has agreed a process with PHE and the laboratories they work with to provide the legally required notification of test results directly. The portal contains all the relevant information PHE require, while remaining fully GDPR compliant. This enables the labs to focus on their testing, and provides companies with the reassurance they are meeting legal requirements.”

There is also the option for companies to utilise ReCoVa-19’s own highly accurate lateral-flow and RT PCR testing service, alongside development of a bespoke Covid-19 testing and wellness programme for optimal protection and monitoring of their staff. Existing users of the programme include the University of Cambridge and some of the UK’s largest Pharmacy groups.

One large employer supporting the education sector said, “ReCoVa-19 has provided our organisation with a quick, efficient and user-friendly way of monitoring the health of our staff and managing risk, and provides us with the knowledge we’re fulfilling legal reporting obligations. It provides us with peace of mind, and our staff with the reassurance we’re doing all we can to manage and mitigate risk.”

Employers or business owners can find more information about the ReCoVa-19 programme at or contact an expert at to discuss their individual needs.

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