Is it secret? Is it safe?

For businesses, it often takes a disaster or a breach of security for owners to start thinking about protecting their classified information. We all think it won’t happen to us, however when it does, we wish we’d planned ahead. Your company archive, although it represents the past, is essential to your operational future and, therefore, needs to be safeguarded at all costs. So before you file away that important document, ask yourself, is your data secure or is it at risk every single day?

Statistics indicate that around 75% of businesses would collapse within a month as a result of theft or sustaining severe damages such as fire or flooding. You may think that’s a substantially high percentage, however it isn’t when you consider the extent of what is affected. Not only is there the issue of unusable stock, the effect on staff and the need to relocate to a new trading post, but also the loss of irreplaceable company data such as vehicle paperwork, customer details, supplier info etc.

To ensure you’re not leaving your company data vulnerable; secure it by using an offsite data management company.

Data management companies specialise in providing secure and confidential data protection that even James Bond would be proud of. Storing your data at an offsite location allows you to operate your business safe in the knowledge that your documents are well protected. Not only will your data be secured in a purpose-built, high security facility, but it will also be bar-coded for complete cradle-to-grave traceability.

So take a leaf out of 007’s book and keep your data under wraps.


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