Join Citizens' Assembly - the next step for transforming public transport

Residents and commuters are being invited to get involved in a Citizens’ Assembly – the next step on the journey to transforming public transport, cutting congestion and improving air quality in Greater Cambridge.

The Citizens’ Assembly follows the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s Choices for Better Journeys campaign to which the vast majority of respondents said they supported the GCP’s vision to upgrade public transport and options to reduce traffic.

This week, letters will arrive at homes selected at random from across Greater Cambridge and the travel to work area to invite them to apply to be part of the Assembly.

The 60-seat Assembly will be chosen through a ‘civic lottery’ process so that it fairly represents the population. A dedicated website has also been set up so anyone can put forward ideas about what evidence the Assembly should consider in the autumn.

The GCP’s Executive Board has agreed the principles by which a scheme will be developed and these proposals will be considered by the Board alongside the recommendations from the Citizens’ Assembly in December.

Cllr Aidan Van de Weyer, Chair of the GCP’s Executive Board, said: There is an urgency for us to take action to reduce congestion and improve air quality – and the results to Choices for Better Journeys indicates people share our ambitions to significantly upgrade our public transport network to help do this.

“The Citizens’ Assembly is a unique opportunity for people who travel in or around Cambridge to consider the evidence, discuss the challenges we face and put forward ideas to help tackle the problems we face with congestion and public transport.

“If you receive an invitation, please register your interest in joining the Citizens’ Assembly by 22 July to transform how we all travel in the future.”

The GCP has been awarded £60,000 plus expert support to launch the Citizens' Assembly, as part of the Government’s Innovation in Democracy Programme, jointly delivered by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Visit the dedicated webpage on Consult Cambs to find out more information about how you can get involved in the Citizens’ Assembly.

Households that received a letter inviting them to apply have until 22 July to register their interest. Only one person, who must be 16 or over, is eligible to register per household.

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