Learn how to get your message across

Communication is the focus of upcoming courses from Cambridge Network's Learning Collaboration, with Train the Trainer, Working across Cultures, and Confident Communication sessions lined up over the next few weeks. Sign up and learn how to get your message across!


Anyone who has to deliver training, of any kind, will benefit from Train the Trainer on Thursday 30 June 2016 at Taylor Vinters (Merlin Place, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0DP).

It's a fact that a trainer needs to establish credibility within the first 30 minutes of any training intervention; and then build on that to make it both a valuable and enjoyable learning experience which changes performance. This one day workshop will provide the tools and techniques necessary for achieving this.

Find out more and sign up here

Working with other cultures is rewarding and interesting. However, we sometimes have misunderstandings because we expect others to behave just as we do. To understand other cultures, we need to know what is beneath the surface - the norms, history, values and assumptions, all of which influence how different cultures behave and communicate.

Working across Cultures on Friday 1st July, kindly hosted by Barclays at its newly opened Eagle Lab (28 Chesterton Road, Cambridge CB4 3AZ) is a one day workshop which will provide you with a useful template for understanding both your own and different cultures; to see where the gaps lie, and where there is potential for misunderstanding. You will learn how to bridge those gaps by adapting your style and communicating effectively. The cultures covered in the session can be tailored to participants’ requests.

Find out more and sign up here

Confident Communication on Tuesday 5th July, also hosted by Barclays at its newly opened Eagle Lab (28 Chesterton Road, Cambridge CB4 3AZ) is aimed at anyone who needs to communicate/present with confidence, including technical people and introverts. This one day course, with communication coach Jon Torrens, is based around interaction and feedback.

By the end of the session you will have the confidence to speak in your own character, have the ability to write great content and know some techniques for engaging your audience.

Find out more and sign up here

Did you know that every level of Cambridge Network membership means you automatically have the right to book on to any of the Network's quality Learning Collaboration courses at any time? A wide spectrum of soft skills, technical and leadership development courses are on offer throughout the year, so sign up now to build your capabilities...

The Learning Collaboration works on behalf of Cambridge Network members to organise, purchase and share training and management development opportunities, delivered locally. That means all members benefit from economies of scale, gaining improved access to high quality professional training courses at value-for-money prices.

Network membership means you automatically have the right to book on to any LC course at any time, while some categories of membership actually include LC training units.

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