March charity college celebrates National Learning Disability Week - June 19–25

A charity college in March for adults with learning and physical disabilities is raising awareness of the amazing things their students do as part of National Learning Disability Week 2023.

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The theme for this year is about smashing misconceptions and showing the world the incredible things that people with a learning disability achieve.

It is an ideal opportunity to shine a light and help break the stigma that many still face every day.

Kris Harrold, manager of FACET college in Marwick Road, March, said: “Every day in our college we focus on ability not disability. Our students are amazing and have so much to give.

“We offer tuition in horticulture, woodwork, and have a Towards Independence course for students to gain a range of skills in catering, sports, English and Maths. We also have classes in cookery, IT, reading, art, history and geography and we are lucky enough to have a sensory room.

“Many students have enjoyed work experience with local businesses, including on the supermarket tills thanks to the incredible support from our local Tesco.

“Moreover, our students have fun, they make friends and enjoy a whole range of extracurricular activities like our popular summer barbecue and bingo events. All in all, our students and staff are superb, and this week is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness about what we do here, break down stigmas and share what a great place FACET is.”

FACET sells a range of garden planters, bird tables and insect houses made by students. They can also design and build bespoke projects. They offer a garden service to include decking, garden clearance, hedge cutting, landscape, maintenance and more.

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