Masterclass for tech start-ups looking to optimise online presence

The importance of social media and online marketing to early stage businesses based on innovation and/or technology is the focus of the next StartUp Masterclass supported by the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) on 26th March. The event, which takes place at Cambridge Judge Business School, will explore the role and application of online marketing, social media and search engine optimisation.

The ability to validate ideas, gather user feedback, reach potential customers – within very short timescales and with reduced budgets – means that the role of social media cannot be ignored. Startups have natural advantages compared to larger established companies, such as flexibility, scale and a lack of historical bureaucracy which can be enhanced by using social media. At the same time, search visibility and traffic matter in order to increase awareness and reach customers; search engine optimisation (SEO) is therefore increasingly important. SEO ties in with almost every aspect of the company web presence, including social channels. So, how do you manage and optimise this complex process? And how do you verify that your efforts in online and social media are paying off? 

Two experts in the field will be sharing their knowledge and experiences.

Eric Swain is a director at the consultancy Gather & Throw, where he helps startups and early stage ventures launch. Eric said, "The social web has moved beyond interesting sideline activity to being, for many people, a well-entrenched part of their lives. Organisations are now realising they need to do a better job of understanding what the reality of the social era can mean for their businesses."

Rob Chant runs The Cambridge Web Marketing Co, a web marketing consultancy focused on delivering SEO and related services to small businesses. His past experience with both designing and building web sites gives him deeper insight into the SEO process. Rob commented, "Google is still one of the most important platforms globally for visibility, exposure and direct business results. Straightforward search, let alone the increasing integration of search and social media, is a massive traffic driver. Getting that traffic, however, is much easier said than done! That's where search engine optimisation comes in."

The event starts at 5:45pm and there will be a Q&A session after the presentations. Visit the StartUp Masterclass web site, or book online at . You can also follow us on Twitter: @strtupclass  / @CfELCambridge  

 This is part of the ongoing Startup Masterclass programme which has been running events across Cambridge, Norwich and Bedfordshire. The aim is to foster an inspiring culture and an enabling environment for the creation and growth of ventures with a specific focus on early-stage businesses and small SMEs of less than ten people. It is also for freelancers and individuals who are considering launching their own business venture. The programme is grant-funded by ideaSpace Enterprise Accelerator.


About StartUp MasterClass Programme

Starting and growing an innovation-based business is as much about ideas as it is about execution. As a result, the Startup Masterclass will focus on providing support via the following means.

  • Monthly evening seminars providing best-practice advice and essential know-how
  • Speakers with experience running innovation-based ventures
  • One-to-one surgeries with experienced mentors
  • A chance to share experiences and advice with fellow entrepreneurs
  • Access to webcasts and online resources

 The Startup Masterclass events will be held in Cambridge, Norwich and Bedfordshire and will be accompanied by webcast and online media content to be made available to other partners in the region. The topics of covered during the programme include motivation, business validation, strategic planning, legal structure, cashflow and forecasting, business systems, sales and marketing. The programme recognises the cyclical nature of early-stage business development, and the talks are integrated so as to cover the same aspects from different points of view. It is an opportunity for attendees to connect with peers, and also with mentors. Attendees are also encouraged to participate in the discussion and to contribute their own experience. The Startup Masterclass programme is grant-funded by ideaSpace Enterprise Accelerator.

 A number of partners have signed up to the programme aiming to strengthen the innovation ecosystems in the East of England: Hethel Engineering Centre, Norfolk Network, Norfolk Research Park, Colworth Science Park, University of Bedfordshire, Easton College and the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning.


Mauro Ciaccio



 The Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning

 The Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), based at Cambridge Judge Business School, aims to spread the spirit of enterprise to both the University of Cambridge community and to wider national and international audiences through the creation and delivery of a range of educational activities that inspire and build skills in the practise of Entrepreneurship. One of CfEL's key teaching values is that the best people to teach entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs. This philosophy has led to the Centre collaborating with a network of over 300 experienced entrepreneurs, innovators and other practitioners to provide relevant, credible and practical training.

The Centre has developed an enviable track record in the field of entrepreneurship education with a number of flagship programmes designed to provide skills for students, graduates, researchers and aspiring entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and at different stages of the entrepreneurial journey. These programmes are Enterprise Tuesday, ETECH Projects, Ignite, Enterprisers and the Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship.

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Katharine Price

Marketing Manager






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