Mills & Reeve advises on Waterbeach development management agreement

Mills & Reeve has advised Urban&Civic on entering into a Development Management Agreement with the MoD for a new lakeside town on the former Waterbeach Barracks, north of Cambridge.

The scheme will see a significant new residential development on the site of the former RAF barracks, with Urban&Civic acting as development manager. Around 6,500 new homes, a full range of community facilities, and extensive open space will be provided in the lakeside setting. It is within easy cycling distance from North Cambridge and Waterbeach railway station, and once completed will be the only lakeside town in Cambridge.

This win follows on from Urban&Civic’s successful work transforming a former airfield into Alconbury Weald, a designated Enterprise Zone site that aims to create 8,000 jobs and 5,000 new homes over the next 20 years - a project Mills & Reeve also advised on.

Christine de Ferrars Green, real estate partner for Mills & Reeve, said: “We are delighted to have supported Urban&Civic in their successful bid to become development manager for this important site. It’s always exciting to be involved at the start when a new place is being created and we look forward to working with Urban&Civic as they take the project through the planning process and on to delivering the development.”


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