The Technical Program Committee of the Mobile Data Challenge reviewed all the submitted contributions and papers for the MDC workshop have been selected. Less than 20% of the Open Track and 16% Dedicated Track submissions were accepted for the oral presentation, respectively. Additionally some papers were accepted for the poster session, so that overall acceptance rate is below 40%. The final version of the workshop program will be published in full details in the beginning of June.
The MDC Awards Committee has been established to give recommendations concerning the winners of the MDC Open Challenge. The following members will form this committee:
- Henry Tirri - CTO, Nokia
- Prof. Alex 'Sandy' Pentland – MIT
- Prof. Tony Jebara – Columbia University
A few of the top MDC entries will be invited (in substantially extended versions) as part of a Special Issue of the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal.
Registration for the MDC workshiop is possible through the Pervasive 2012 website.
We look forward seeing you in Newcastle!
Best Regards,
The MDC Organizing Committee