So in addition to our Jobs by Twitter service, you can now get the latest freelance jobs emailed straight to your Mobile through Jobs by Email!
As a freelancer, Jobs by Email allows you to receive timely news about your preferred jobs whether you are actively looking or are just interested in knowing what freelance jobs are "out there".
Similarly, job providers and outsourcers get their jobs more widely known, which helps the people they need find their jobs.
To set up your Jobs by Email, simply go to the jobs search screen and search for your preferred jobs. You can use Advanced Options (click on Show Advanced Options) to refine your search.
Next, click on Get Jobs by Email. Here you'll be able to give your Jobs by Email a description and indicate how frequent it should appear in your Inbox.
Then click Save to receive the current search as your Jobs by Email.
You can get started with Jobs by Email right now. Just visit
Helping you find out about the latest freelance jobs is just another way how p2people makes it easy for you to outsource your jobs and freelance your services.
Peter Louis
p2people Limited