Taking place at The Guildhall, the all-day event is for students in years 5 & 6 in the morning, followed by students from secondary schools, sixth-forms, recent school and college leavers and parents in the afternoon
The idea is to showcase the wide variety of companies in the Cambridge area and get young people excited about their future. Companies are asked to bring 'taster' activities that give a sense of what it's like to work in different industries.
For employers it’s an opportunity to:
- Attract students into their sector
- Build their brand with young people
- Meet prospective employees
- Network with other employers.
There will be a focus on apprenticeships with students and parents encouraged to consider apprenticeships as an alternative to college or university. Employers with current vacancies should bring details to the fair.
Some students will come to learn about different careers while they make decisions about post-GCSE options or university courses, while others will be looking for apprenticeships and other employment, including internships, holiday jobs and future graduate positions.
There will also be masterclasses on employability and career-management skills like job search and c.v. preparation.
Companies that wish to exhibit should register at http://www.opportunitiesahead.eventbrite.co.uk
There is no charge for exhibiting.
Individuals who wish to attend should register at:
In addition to sponsorship from ARM, AVEVA, Bouygues, Eversheds and Michell Instruments are also sponsoring the event and there are other sponsorship opportunities available.
For more information please contact info@formthefuture.org.uk or contact us on social media site:
Signpost 2 Skills is a new service designed to guide students from education and into working life by bringing employers into schools and students into businesses. It is funded by the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough LEP and the Greater Cambridge City Deal, and delivered by social enterprise, Form the Future.