Plans approved for sensitive Cambridge site

Freeland Rees Roberts, the Cambridge architectural practice, has welcomed the planners’ decision to approve the final design for the conversion of numbers 18-19 Regent’s Terrace into apartments.

The location of the building, midway along Regent’s Terrace and overlooking Parker’s Piece, always meant that it would be the focus of considerable interest when plans to convert it were announced. Freeland Rees Roberts prepared two designs for consideration, one contemporary, one traditional, and is especially pleased that the design favoured by their client is the design now approved by the planners.

Experienced as this architectural team is at designing for sensitive sites, several amendments to the design were requested at planning level before final approval was reached. The planners have opted for the traditional design, which has the façade of an elegant terrace of three 19th-century townhouses. This period-style design is in keeping with the architecture of neighbouring buildings. The rear of the building echoes the architectural  detail of the front.

The brief from the developer was to design a traditional-looking façade and 11apartments behind, these last to a high, 21st-century specification. The apartments will offer either one or two bedrooms.

Sarah Morrison of Freeland Rees Roberts is very pleased with the result: ’Our objective was to design a graceful exterior pleasing to the eye, and apartments that provide attractive and stylish interiors for occupants, incorporating building systems that support sustainability. We are delighted that the planners have understood and approved what we wish to achieve.’

Work is due to begin on the site in late Summer 2012, and the apartments should be ready for occupation in late Spring 2013..


For further information, please contact Margaret Phillips of Phillips Profile Ltd on 01638 500 311; 07710 021 889; email:

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