Reduce ISO 27001 implementation costs by using documentation toolkits, says IT Governance

IT Governance, the leading provider of ISO 27001 solutions and expertise, is encouraging organisations to reduce ISO 27001 implementation costs by using ITGP’s No. 3 Comprehensive ISO 27001 ISMS Toolkit.

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The No.3 Comprehensive ISO 27001 ISMS Toolkit helps organisations reduce implementation costs by providing tools to implement ISO 27001, such as official ISO 27000 standards, industry-leading implementation guidance, pre-written documentation and expert risk assessment software.
Alan Calder, the founder and chief executive officer of IT Governance, said: “With over ten years of experience implementing ISO 27001, we are aware of the resources organisations are likely to need. Implementing an ISO 27001-compliant information security management system can be achieved on a set budget with our expert-developed No. 3 Comprehensive ISO 27001 ISMS Toolkit.”
IT Governance’s documentation toolkits are designed to help organisations achieve compliance with management system standards in a cost- and time-effective manner. Each documentation toolkit delivers return on investment by reducing implementation costs and errors. The toolkits also provide assurance to organisations as the toolkits draw on over ten years of practitioner-led development that has been successfully deployed by over 4,000 organisations worldwide.
The toolkit contains the official ISO 27000-series standards: ISO/IEC 27001:2013, the standard for implementing an information security system; ISO/IEC 27002:2013, the code of practice for ISO 27001’s requirements; ISO/IEC 27005:2011, the standard for information security risk management; and ISO/IEC 2700-0:2016, which provides an overview of information security management systems.
Moreover, the ISMS toolkit provides industry-leading implementation guidance through IT Governance’s Nine Steps to Success – An ISO 27001:2013 Implementation Overview and IT Governance: An International Guide to Data Security and ISO27001/ISO27002, which provide indispensable guidance for technical and non-technical managers on how to deliver an ISO 27001-compliant ISMS.
Organisations opting for the No. 3 Comprehensive ISO 27001 ISMS Toolkit can also take advantage of a set of ISMS document templates and the expert risk assessment software, vsRiskTM, which helps organisations save time, effort and expense when tackling the complex task of risk assessments. 
To find out more about IT Governance’s No. 3 Comprehensive ISO 27001 ISMS Toolkit and how your organisation can achieve compliance with the ISO 27001 standard, please visit our website, email or call +44 (0)845 070 1750.


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