RiffStream#Cambridge: CfEL is striking a chord with creative innovators

The Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) is supporting entrepreneurs and SME business leaders in the creative industries through an event in Cambridge called ‘Concept to Customer: Connecting Partners & Catalysing Investment’ on 7th June 2012. It is the first in a series of experimental events based on the new RiffStream# methodology for accelerating business creation developed by technology business builder Cartezia.

The event is organised by the Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Network (CIKTN) in conjunction with Cartezia and the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), University of Cambridge Judge Business School.

The Creative Industries KTN (CIKTN) accelerates innovation across the UK’s creative industries around new and emergent technologies.  The network catalyses new collaborations and partnerships around exciting content, insights and funding. CIKTN is funded by the UK’s Technology Strategy Board (TSB). The Concept to Customer workshop in Cambridge will be curated by Dr Uday Phadke, CIKTN’s Investment Theme Champion, using the RiffStream# methodology to explore new ways of facilitating collaboration across sectors, technologies and with investors. Specifically, the aim is to generate new projects and partnerships as the basis for delivering innovation and securing funding.  The day will be focussed upon 2 themes: ‘Entertainment, Advertising & e-commerce’ and ‘Health, Lifestyle & Communities’.

 Dr Uday Phadke, Chief Executive of Cartezia and one of CfEL’s Entrepreneurs in Residence (pictured), commented: “It is often challenging to turn innovation and technology into money and jobs. We’re aiming to enable entrepreneurs and small and medium size companies to transform proven concepts into proven products and services with sustainable business models.”

The RiffStream#Cambridge Concept to Customer event is aimed at creative and digital technology SMEs, large media and corporates from the creative industry, investors and funders (i.e. angels, venture capitalists, private equity, banks and corporates); and those interested in the projected Technology Strategy Board’s Connected Digital Economy Catapult.

Players in the RiffStream# can benefit by:

  • Better understanding of their role in their business eco-system.
  • Matching their ideas to potential markets with a clear definition of the product or service they can take to market.
  • Clarity on potential business models and their revenue, cost and investment envelopes.
  • Relationships with potential suppliers and partners.
  • Early dialogues with potential funders, investors and customers.

The RiffStream#Cambridge event ‘Concept to Customer: Connecting Partners and Catalysing Investment’ is on Thursday, 7th June 2012 from 10:00 to 17:00 at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School (registration will open at 09:00).  Confirmed speakers include Jim Farmery, Business Development Director at Creative England and Nick Evans-Lombe, Chief Operating Officer at Getty Images.  To register your place and find out more details about the event visit: http://creativeindustriesktn.org/beacons/events/view/433721  

If you have any queries about the event, please contact Anita Onwuegbuzie. Email: anita@creativeindustriesktn.org  



About RiffStream#

The key to building successful new businesses is to understand and deploy the key innovations which deliver competitive advantage. While analytical skills are important for problem solving, the crucial missing skill is often the ability to synthesize new solutions.

Technology businesses often find it difficult to match the technology promise versus market need. Innovation is not restricted to technologies: some of the most successful companies have been built on innovations in business models and distribution channels.

Cartezia has been helping to build technology businesses for the last 15 years. Most of this work has been in the creative industries, particularly in Digital Media. More recently it has also been active in building Cleantech, Healthcare and Advanced engineering companies. This experience has prompted Cartezia to design the RiffStream# process which has typically been used in ‘closed’ environments with the owners of intellectual property, usually larger corporates or universities.

To read more about the RiffStream# concept visit: http://www.riffstream.net

To find out more about Cartezia go to http://www.cartezia.com

The Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Network (CIKTN) accelerates innovation across the UK’s creative industries around new and emergent technologies.  The network’s Concept to Customer: Connecting Partners and Catalysing Investment event is curated by Dr Uday Phadke (CIKTN’s Investment Theme Champion.  It is an experimental event to explore new ways of facilitating collaboration across Creative Industries sectors, technologies and with investors.

To find out more about Creative Industries KTN, visit their website home page .

 About the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning

The Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), based at Cambridge Judge Business School, aims to spread the spirit of enterprise to both the University of Cambridge community and to wider national and international audiences through the creation and delivery of a range of educational activities that inspire and build skills in the practise of Entrepreneurship. One of CfEL's key teaching values is that the best people to teach entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs. This philosophy has led to the Centre collaborating with a network of over 300 experienced entrepreneurs, innovators and other practitioners to provide relevant, credible and practical training.

The Centre has developed an enviable track record in the field of entrepreneurship education with a number of flagship programmes designed to provide skills for students, graduates, researchers and aspiring entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and at different stages of the entrepreneurial journey. These programmes are Enterprise Tuesday, ETECH Projects, Ignite, Enterprisers and the Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship.

Tel: 01223 766900; Email: cfel@jbs.cam.ac.uk; Web: www.cfel.jbs.cam.ac.uk


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