RSP Safety Services training consultant has done it again!

Five MERIT Awards have been received for delegates, following three days' training on the CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace. As part of RSP Safety Services' commitment to supporting business, all delegates receive 12 months support.

Diane Smith, RSP Safety Services Training Consultant has done it again!

After three days training for the CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace, Diane received notice that five delegates attained MERIT Awards.

The company says: "We at RSP Safety Services would like to thank Wellingborough Homes for requesting the CIEH Level 3 course as an in house course , and to congratulate those people who gained the MERIT pass.  We  also provide this course as an open course!"

The CIEH Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace is a course designed for persons who have a responsibility for some aspects of health and safety or who are required to manage health and safety for a small to medium enterprise.   If you have that responsibility it is essential that you know what those responsibilities are and what actions to take.

The delegates, Raymond Whittaker, Michael Heekin, Paul Clarkson, Geoffrey Moore and Sarah Hurst  have gained knowledge and understanding  of the main concepts and benefits of health and safety; the roles and responsibilities on individuals, supervisors and managers; and have a better understanding of health and safety controls and improvement strategies that are available to supervisors; and they are able to confidently deal with health and safety issues and discuss solutions with their subordinates and managers.

RSP Safety Services wishes them success in the future and reminds them that if they require any assistance, to make use of the 12 month support package that RSP Safety Services provides with the course.


For more information on this success or any other training courses or health and safety advisory services, please contact Kyla on 01733 807779 or email


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