Salimetrics Europe appoints Dr Agnes Ernst to join its commercial team

The continued expansion of the Salimetrics salivary bioscience business within Europe has led to the appointment of Dr Agnes Ernst, who joins the company in the UK.

Agnes originates from Austria and studied Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences in Krems, Austria. Part of her four year study programme involved carrying out an eight month internship in the Bahn lab at the CCNR using immunological and mass spectrometry profiling methods to identify and characterize biomarkers for schizophrenia. 

After her graduation in June 2008, Agnes recommenced her work in the Bahn Lab as a PhD student , studying the complex interplay of metabolic disturbances in schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric diseases. This project will also attempt to identify biomarkers related to these pathways for use in monitoring the effectiveness of established and novel therapeutic treatment strategies.

Agnes completed her PhD in Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Her work on a preclinical model for schizophrenia for the establishment of new therapeutic strategies involved the analysis of biological material using immunologic (ELISA, Western Blot), proteomic (LC-MSE) and metabolomic (NMR spectroscopy) approaches.
Agnes is fluent in German (native) and can speak French and Spanish. She therefore brings with her a full range of skills in order to join Salimetrrics' dedicated team in the UK, where her knowledge of Biotechnology, Neuroscience and Biochemistry will be invaluable.   Agnes joins at a time when Salimetrics has a full programme of Conferences, Educational Roadshows and University Partnerships for 2013 going forward to further the use of Salivary Bioscience   The company says: "We warmly welcome Agnes to the team and look forward to working with her within this exciting area of science where Salimetrics is regarded as the undisputed world leader."



To Contact Salimetrics Europe: e mail or call : +44 (0) 1638 782619
Analytes in Saliva and Saliva Research Tools   

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