Salimetrics Europe launches blog to support European saliva researchers

Salimetrics' new blog will contain technical support aimed at UK and European saliva researchers and will mirror what is currently published on the main website at This more targeted version will enable Salimetrics Europe to directly communicate with its EU partners.

The blog site will be used to inform researchers about the latest news from Salimetrics, publish research papers utilising saliva as a source of Biomarker Analysis. The blog site will also offer technical support and hopefully a place where an exchange of views and questions can be addressed

Salimetrics want to hear from biochemistry laboratories across Europe who need help to set up Salivary Analysis so that access to a Salimetrics trained laboratory is available within every EU country in 2012. These laboratories can be within Universities or privately owned businesses.

The company also wants to offer Spit Camp Saliva Training Courses across Europe.

The provision of free educational roadshows will be again offered in 2012 where the Salimetrics team will make themselves available to be based at a University or research, diagnostic facility for a half day in order to answer questions and demonstrate collection methods for Saliva samples.

Salimetrics Europe supply Salivary Assay Kits for the measurement of the following biomarkers: Alpha Amylase, Androstenedione, Saliva Blood Contamination, Cortisol, Cotinine, C-Reactive Protein, DHEA and DHEA-S, Estradiol, Estriol, Estrone, Progesterone, 17 alpha Hydroxyprogesterone, Secretory IgA, Testosterone.

In addition Salimetrics Europe offers a highly competitive, comprehensive Saliva Testing Service utilising a Tecan Robot at  its laboratory in Cambridge UK. One Salimetrics Assay Kit can perform 38 tests in duplicate (recommended) or 76 individual tests. The service includes the supply of all collection devices, assay kits, saliva testing, packing materials and full support.


To discuss the purchase of Salimetrics Salivary Assay Kits, Saliva Collection Devices, Saliva Training Courses or our Saliva Testing Service within Europe, Africa, Middle East contact:

Salimetrics Europe Ltd

Unit 7, Acorn Business Centre Oaks Drive, Newmarket Suffolk, CB8 7SY

 T: +44 (0) 1638 782619 F: +44 (0) 1638 782618

In Australia, Asia Pacific:



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