Salus Wellness Clinics: 60 practitioners and counting

Massimo Gaetani discusses the continuous success of Salus Wellness Clinics, reaching 70 practitioners in the next few months.

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He writes:

We recently recruited in short succession practitioners #60 and 61; my gut feeling would be to celebrate as it’s a great achievement.  While celebration is an important aspect of acknowledging a certain level of success I feel at the moment it’d be wise to delay celebrations for a while and here is why.

We currently have about a dozen experienced and qualified practitioners who are on their way to start working with us.  So, as we celebrated practitioner #50 in summer 2015 together with our first five years in business, I feel now inclined to wait until I can celebrate practitioner #70 which will be an amazing result in both absolute and relative terms.

A lot of people keep asking us how we manage the allocation of 60 practitioners into a clinic with eight therapy rooms. The answer lies in three simple truths:

  • Many practitioners are using a room just a few hours per week or month; this is because they work in other clinics, often outside Cambridge; they offer therapy part time as a side activity to a part or full time job; or simply they are semi-retired but still want to keep occupied and earn some money in the process.
  • We are offering a range of agreements which allow many people to join our team of practitioners with a minimum monthly cost which, at the same time, allows receiving a share of enquiries we get from web and walk in clients.
  • We have organised each room to have three slots of 4.5 hours per day in order to allow, potentially, three different people to work in each room on a regular weekly routine. We then manage to fill up the various gaps between regular bookings with individual ad-hoc hours bookings.

So we are going to hold on to our enthusiasm for a few more weeks/months and then celebrate all together practitioner #70 and our 7th year in business.


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