Special offer from Salimetrics: evaluate cortisol assay and/or Spit Camp at reduced price

The Salimetrics salivary cortisol assay was this summer confirmed 'best commercially available' when compared to four other assays and LC-MS/MC and one of the cheapest too! So here in Europe the company wants to encourage new users to try one of its Assays at a much reduced cost during the months of December / January.

Salimetrics is offering not just the opportunity to try one of its 96 well Assay Plates at a greatly reduced cost, you can also book to attend a Spit Camp Training Day in Cambridge, again with a similar cost reduction to both train wth Salimetrics and experience the Salimetrics Assays.

This offer is restricted to the purchase of one Assay Kit per customer (Cortisol or any other Analyte within the range) or purchase of one place at Spit Camp per institution and is restricted to new users only. The Training Day can be taken any month during 2013 subject to availability.

Please e mail info@salimetricseurope.com to take up this offer.

Prices will be published soon so please check back regularly. To take up the offer quote "Spit Happens" as your e mail subject within your e mail.request

Salimetrics Cortisol Assay

Background: 195 Saliva specimens covering the range of Cortisol Concentrations in Adults were collected by an Independent Laboratory by Salivette and run against the Salimetrics Salivary Assay, 3 competitive commercially available assays, one in-house assay and against LC-MS/MS

The Salimetrics Cortisol Assay was shown to have the lowest cross reactivity for the problem marker Cortisone. Cortisone is abundant in saliva and has a prolonged half life (280% compared to Cortisol) this can result in a significant impact on the Cortisol value. Therefore, assays with cross-reactivity to Cortisone will give false high Cortisol results.

It was reported in this study and a previous one at the same institution that the Salimetrics Assay had a 0.95 and 0.99 correlation with LC-MS/MS

This was the best correlation of the commercially available assay kits. The Salimetrics assay was also found to be the best commercially available with regard to linearity.

Regarding In-House Assays, it should be born in mind that they are not always produced under good manufacturing principles or ISO quality systems.  There is therefore no guarantee that an in-house assay will perform the same on any given day when the analysis is performed, unlike a commercial assay where quality systems operate.




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