Tame your computer - recycle and reuse Quick Parts

In her regular series for Cambridge Network members - now in its 15th year - software training expert Karen Roem offers handy tips to help you 'Tame your computer'. This week she explains how to create and modify Quick Parts to insert frequently used text, tables or pictures (Word and Outlook).

The other day I had to change the text of one of my “Quick Parts” and realised it wasn’t as intuitive as you might think. So here’s a tip, giving me the opportunity to remind all of you of this underutilised feature to create reusable bits of preformatted text or pictures and logos you frequently use in Word or Outlook.

Here's how:

1.       If necessary, remind yourself of the name you gave the Quick Part entry or temporarily add the old text. (On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts. Or perhaps you stuck the Quick Parts button on your Quick Access Toolbar as suggested in tip 335?)

2.       Modify and select the text or picture.

3.       On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts, click Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.

4.       Enter the same name to identify the entry, which can also be used for shortcut purposes.

5.       Press ENTER or click OK.

6.       Press ENTER or click Yes.

In future simply type the name of the Quick Part and press F3. If you prefer or cannot remember what you called the Quick Part, click on the Quick Parts button on the Insert tab – or (by now ;) from your Quick Access Toolbar.

NOTE: When you have added or modified building blocks and you close down Microsoft Word or Outlook, you will be asked whether or not you want to save them for future use. Unless you want to follow the steps described above again, click on Save.


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Following guidance from the UK government on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, classroom training at our premises in Cambridge will be suspended until at least the end of May. We continue to offer 1-hour virtual training and support sessions. Please get in touch by email or call us on 01223 214177 to discuss your requirements. When the time is right, we look forward to welcoming you back at the Sun House.

18 May 2020

Karen Roem offers software training and support through her company Roem Ltd.  Contact her by email (Karen@roem.co.uk) or visit her website at  www.roem.co.uk


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