Tweet, to who?

Becca from kdm writes a blog this week all about Tweeting.

When you think of the most challenging part of being an account manager in a life sciences marketing agency, your mind might automatically go to something like juggling the needs of multiple clients on a daily basis, but would you ever consider social media?

While it gives us a great opportunity to show the fun side of science and write interesting and engaging scientific content (under 280 characters of course!), creating these posts month after month across multiple industries can also be a real challenge. Which websites should we be looking at for new content? Who are the target audience? What hashtags should we be using?

So how do we create so many social media schedules for our clients?

Newsletters. Newsletters are without a doubt the saviour of every schedule we write; useful little nuggets of relevant and interesting science news coming into our inboxes every day of the month. They give us a great starting point for a schedule, and give us an added insight into the hot topics in that industry that month.

So if you’re struggling to come up with a schedule that works for your social media, why not give this a try? Or give us a call and we’ll do it for you.

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