TWI spearheaded the creation of Granta Park at its headquarters in Cambridge, UK. The science, technology and biopharmaceutical park based on the bank of the River Granta in Great Abington near Cambridge, houses businesses such as Illumina and AstraZeneca as well as TWI’s operations.
To facilitate the growth strategy of TWI, and enable the delivery of much needed laboratory and office space in the region, the TWI Executive determined to release a 27-acre plot of land, with planning consent, on the Granta Park estate to BioMed Realty, a Blackstone portfolio company.
By investing in technology and expertise, TWI can continue to deliver world-class, innovative research and development, providing solutions for global industry, to enhance the training business and to underpin the strategic plans for global professional membership.
As a result, the Executive Team has ensured that TWI can keep pace with the needs of its Members, as Chief Executive, Aamir Khalid explained, “TWI will invest up to £100m into our staff, laboratories and technology for the benefit of our Industrial and Professional Members. We have been a technology company for 75 years and technology is at the heart of TWI.”
This announcement is good news for the region too, as the doubling of BioMed’s life sciences real estate in Cambridge will support the creation of up to 2,700 new jobs. As the birthplace of stem cell research and artificial intelligence, Cambridge is the largest life sciences market in the UK, an epicentre of research and innovation, and contains more labs than anywhere else in Britain. The life sciences sector in the UK supports 250,000 jobs and contributes over £70 billion to the GDP each year.
Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson said: “I’ve worked as an NHS children’s doctor in Cambridgeshire for many years and I’ve always followed closely the pioneering life sciences sector right on our doorstep. Ours in an innovation economy, and the recent work of AstraZeneca on the Covid vaccine underlines why this sector is of national importance.
“Our life sciences cluster is among the world’s best, but we can’t take it for granted. We have rivals both nationally and internationally. Both Oxford and London are growing faster, and internationally, and we want Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to remain a destination of choice for investment in this sector.
“TWI is itself one of the region’s most innovative companies and we have a good working relationship with them. We advised them on the potential of their site to support the further growth of the life sciences cluster and it is great that they have made the decision to open up this opportunity at Granta Park.
“Growth in this sector will create around 2,700 highly skilled, technical jobs locally and help keep life our sciences cluster at the cutting edge, driving our economy for decades to come.”
See also: Blackstone’s BioMed Realty announces plans to double the size of its UK life sciences portfolio
Image: Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson and TWI Chief Executive, Aamir Khalid